ELI STONE may be be a prophet -- or he may be insane. One night the titular yuppie lawyer stumbles into his living room and finds George Michael singing "Faith" live... on top of Eli's coffee table. He begins regularly having hallucinations which leads him to discover he has an inoperable hereditary brain tumor. An acupuncturist whom he befriends convinces Eli that he may be a prophet, so Eli uses his "visions" to guide him on what court cases to take... which are the same cases his colleagues, and fiancée, would rather avoid. One of the few shows to premiere during the American writer's strike of the 2007-2008 season, ELI STONE premiered to strong ratings paired with LOST. Here's a promo for the show:
The third episode, "Father Figure," which premiered on Valentine's Day '08, contains a reference to CARRIE. During a staff meeting, Eli has a vision that he's in a war, and he soon ends up hiding under the table. Here's how he related his embarrassment about the incident to his acupuncturist:
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