With the continuously changing words and music during the brief run of the play, numerous versions of the script and score were penned and distributed to the cast and crew. As the years passed and the fanbase grew, numerous versions of each have been leaked into fandom.

Most recently, a script that was once owned by ensemble player Scott Wise has begun popping up on eBay. This "Work Draft" version is undated (looks like the date has been lopped off of the copies) but it's from the original Stratford staging. It includes lots of dialog that was subsequently trimmed, as well as early variations of several songs and "White Star," Sue's version of "Heaven," which was later replaced with "It Hurts to Be Strong." Strangely, "The Destruction" scene is not present in this version. Extra special thank you to Rich (who went above and beyond the call of duty) for making it available here.
For quite some time, the piano score for Carrie has been shooting through cyberspace. I, of course, can't take any credit (or blame, depending on how you look at it) for creating the pdf files -- major thank you to Rycharde for sending them to me. Here are two of them for your entertainment... huge portions of the London score are handwritten. Scalpers would like to charge you big bucks for these on eBay (I know because I was nearly suckered). You'll need Adobe Reader to view these files.
Thank you so much for this. I wish I could find one that had "Tommy's Poem (An Eagle's Just Another Bird)". I love that song. It is... me.
Hi, I tried to get it but it said that the file had been deleted?
The link should be active now.
This is crazy, I have been looking for this FOR YEARS! Thank you so much.
I remember spending about 6 months several years ago just to find the audio recordings!
Anyone have the broadway rehearsal score. It's not handwritten it's fully printed.
I used to have a hard copy of it but lost it.
I am dying to get that cleaner version.
TheatreKid, sorry, I haven't had a chance to update with a link. Here you go:
Carrie Broadway Score
I Just want to say That ever since you posted that Cleaner version of the Sheet music, I got an approval to use that In an Audition I have Coming up! I'm performing "When There's No One" and I just had to say Thank you Vinnie! (and whoever gaveVinnie the sheet music to begin with)
Rycharde provided it for me... though I have a feeling the file didn't originate with him. In any event, congratulations and break a leg, Connor!
Hello! I have some things i would like to talk about to anyone who is willing to listen to me.
Rumor has it that the second act two the broadway preformance was either never filmed, or Ken Mendelbaum is the only person that has it...Ken Mendebaum may have it, but it certainly does exist, and if it does (Which it does) He isn't the only person that has it. About a year ago, i was searching on youtube carrie the musical...well the whole "Carrie" thing was just starting out then, and some of the second act was posted...and then it was forced to be taken off. I saw "Out for blood" "Wotta night" and "The destruction" as well as the finale. I do not know why it was taken off, but it was. Most of the first act was posted too, And i saw "I remember how those boys could dance" and at first, it was shot from the balcony, and then it cut to a B-roll shot, with her hands aflame. And it, (Along with the first few clips of the first act) was also then taken off, and it has since to return. SO IT DOES EXIST, AND KEN MENDELBAUM DOES NOT HAVE THE ONLY COPY OF IT.
About last year too, I was searching myspace, and i came across Wonder Waiter's Videos of the very first stratford run. I asked him if he had any photos of any of the runs, Broadway or Stratford, and he sent me a file of a shit load of photos, that aren't even on the net...YET. This was before "The new carrie blogsite" was even re-created. So i hope i was the first person to see them, or receive them. So now he's pretty famous, and i can say iv'e had proof, that their are ALOT more photos that have not been released yet. I don't know what pictures were from the stratford run or the broadway run, except for the ones with Betty Buckley, and Barbara Cook. Iv'e seen many pictures of "The destruction" "Heaven" "Out for blood" "I'm not alone" "Carrie" "Carrie reprise # 2" "Don't waste the moon" and a few others. Oh, and about 8 headshots in action. I used have these on my computer, but it's gone now, ever since it was fixed from a virus, and i was VERY upset, because i felt that i had the holy grail of photos for Carrie The Musical fan's out there...
I hope all of this information benefits to this site, because i am one of the musical's biggest fans. I Only want more for the people out there, searching for carrie stuff like i do. So hopefully, somebody can contact Wonder Waiter, to get those photos, for this site. I have tried asking him, but he has since to reply. But i won't stop trying.
If anyone has questions, answers, ANYTHING, or even just to talk about the musical, and it's "Stuff" that is out there, or might be, feel free to E-mail me at:
I know quite a few things about the musical, that most people don't know... so please.....
don't even get me started about that!!!
I HAVE ALSO SEEN PICTURES OF THE GAMMEL HELLERUP PRODUCTION! i was searching yahoo, and i cam across a drawn picture of i beleive was a brochure, and a couple of pictures of what i think was the destruction. So i hope somebody can tell us where to find these pictures and/or video.
Thanks so much for the Score!! I'm hoping to use Unsuspecting Hearts in my wedding :-)
My Hero!!!!! Thank you for posting this. awesome.
Hi - thank you so much for this. I think there is a page missing in the song "Carrie", it it page 42 according to the numbers on the pages. do you have this page?
I can't than you enough. I've been a Carrie fan (book, all 3 movies and 2 musicals) for over 20 years now. I thought I would never have the score. This is just incredible. I will enjoy workshopping some scenes with my BTEC students.
The link for the script score are popping up with a message that says that it was deleted. If you could fix this i would appreciate it.
Can someone fix this link? I would really like to use some of this music
These links aren't working for me :(
the link isn't working for me either. it says that it does not exist.
ahh can someone fix the link? i'm dying to get the music for "i'm not alone" and i can't find it anywhere!
hiya. i know it's already been said but the link still doesn't work. could you possibly update it, or even email it to me would be fantastic - i would like "i'm not alone" and my email is ktlynconnors@yahoo.com. thanks a million :)
Hi I have tried a few times to get this sheet music but it is not working!
Could you update it so the link is active, or possibly send me the sheet music to me, dancing_chick1990@hotmail.com
I really would love to have the sheet music! My e-mail is triplestar89@hotmail.com. I really want the sheet music to "Im Not Alone." Thanks!
I would really love the sheet music for "I'm Not Alone".
Could you please email it to me at tconway94@yahoo.com
Hi, I don't know if this page is still checked, but I was looking to find the music to "I'm Not Alone" and was wondering if you could email it to me at c_effron@aim.com if you still have the file. I would appreciate it SO much. Thank you!
In the past comment, I meant to type c_effron@yahoo.com not at aim.com. Sorry for the confusion.
Thanks again.
The link doesn't work to bring up the score anymore.
Is it possible to get the sheet music for "I am Not Alone"? THe link is not active. I notice comments frrom way back that indicate it wasn't active but that you reactivated it. Is it possible to reactivate it again?? THanks.
I really need the sheet music too for "Im not alone". Please and thank you!
i need the music for I'm Not Alone as well. pleasee reactivate the link!!
Hey I know it looks like this has been inactive for quite a while now but I was wondering if I could get a copy of the Broadway score - specifically "And Eve Was Weak"?
My email is davidjudeallen@gmail.com
Thank you so much in advance if you can do this!!!
I've recently discovered this musical, and have fallen in love with it! Wish I found it before now!
The links above with the broadway and london score don't work anymore. Would it be possible to renew them, or send the links to lowrimair1@googlemail.com
Thank you.
I was wondering what the most recent link to the score was, or if someone has it in PDF form. I am interested in "I'm not alone."
If someone could please help me out that would be FANTASTIC!!!!
Hi, I also had trouble accessing both the London score and the Broadway score. It simply did not show up, and I was redirected to a search engine.
Hi. I'm way late in the game here, but I love this musical and I really want to be able to access the scores. If there's any way to update the links so that they work again, that would be AMAZING. Thank you so much for keeping up this site!
I would love a new link to the score! I love this site! Thank you!
if you could, please email the score to mtj20@hotmail.com. the link is not working. thank you so much.
Hi! Could you possibly email me the score at javsyferr@yahoo.com? The links are both broken. Thank you so much!
Hi, Could you possibly email the music for "I'm not alone" as the link isn't working. My email is loral_leaf@hotmail.com. Thanks so much!
I would also really love the music, any chance you can send it to meet_me_in_the_mosh@hotmail.com ? :)
I know you've received a lot of requests for the musical scores, and I am yet another one trying to gain such enlightenment with this wonderful musical. If anyone has any of the scores... PLEASE email me... melanie6long@aol.com
can you please send me the sheet music to im not alone from carrie. ive been looking for it everywhere and i really need it. thank you so much! my email is kathrynburgess@gmail.com
Hi, I too am looking for a copy of the score..could you send to aimee_blevins@yahoo.com? Thank you so much!
Hi I have been searching everywhere for "I'm not alone" Would somebody send it to monkeyloco@gmail.com? I would be so grateful!
I am also looking for the sheet music for I'm not alone! If you could send it to me that woyld be fabulous! My email is qtonstage@yahoo.com
Thanks so much!
Hello. I clicked on both of the links and it said there was an error and that the pages did not exist. If there is another link you could send me or if you could send me the scores my email is erinmilissad@gmail.com thank you!
Let me direct your attention to these two links (you obnoxiously needy people):
4Shared: Carrie Files
Vinnie Rattolle's: Carrie & More Fabulous Flops
Hi Vinnie!
Thanks so much for all the links! I tried all of the links on both sites but every time I tried to download the broadway score it shut down. Can you fix it? Thank you!
Would you mind posting another link to the Broadway score? If you could that would be just lovely! Thanks!
I was wondering if you had the sheet music for "I'm Not Alone"? If you so could you contact me at cas_sie_99@yahoo.com. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!
Do you have the sheet music for "Evening Prayers?" I'd like to do it with my daughter at a cabaret. Please email josiepheen@live.com and let me know please. Thanks.
I was wondering if you had the sheet music for "I'm Not Alone"? If you so could you contact me at jackiie_diaz@hotmail.com Pleaseee i really need it! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!
I was wondering if you had the sheet music for "I'm Not Alone"? If you so could you contact me at jackiie_diaz@hotmail.com Pleaseee i really need it! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!
Does anyone have a copy of the script and score from the revival cast???
I need the sheet music for i'm not alone...by Monday morning I have an audition my email is pentekk@kean.edu :) thank you!!
The download has expired. Is there any way it could be re-posted? I would much appreciate it!!
Hi this is fantastic but it's now unable to view. Could it be emailed to me at all?
Many many thanks
Hi! Can you send me the sheet music to I'm Not Alone? My email is catherineluckenbach@gmail.com Thanks!!
I really hope this website is still active. Is there anyone someone could email me the sheet music for "Carrie" by at least tomorrow??
You didn't leave an email address and I'm without a PC at the moment anyway. However, the documents that were once here can now be found on scribd:
Hi! I really hope this is still active.... I don't have a scribd and I really need the sheet music for In.. could you email it to me at sophiespamlennon@gmail.com? (it used to be my spam account but now its my main one) thank you so much it would mean sooo much
Anyone still have a full score?
I could easily make a full Orchestra score for this Community, based on the existing recordings, the 2 piano/vocal scores and the list of instruments used in the productions in Stratford and on Broadway.
Would this be of interest? We can come to an agreement conisdering getting backing tracks out for you as well as simplified sheet Music for you, that you could use for Concerts and auditions!
Hi, I have been looking everywhere for I'm Not Alone for a huge audition O have in two weeks. I don't know if you are even replying to these comments anymore, but I had to take a chance. Is there any possible way you could email me that music? My email is sumobud@yahoo.com
Thank you so much!
Any chance this page is still active? Really hoping someone out there can send me the braodway score for Carrie! My email address is hey.ea.asuncion@gmail.com
This is a loooong shot but if anyone has any information on the score please contact me at authentictears@gmail.com, please.
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