Here's the trailer:
Though JAWBREAKER has been pigeonholed as a rip-off of HEATHERS, there's quite a few ties to CARRIE. For starters, the ill-fated Elizabeth Purr, who's chokes on a jawbreaker during the opening sequence (and then has a great deal of screen time as a corpse), is portrayed by Charlotte Ayanna, who played the villainous Tracey in THE RAGE: CARRIE 2. Further pushing the connection, her parents are portrayed by William Katt and P.J. Soles, who both starred in the 1976 version of CARRIE. Unfortunately, Katt and Soles were nearly chopped out of the film. Apparently their big scene (the discovery of their daughter's body) was deemed too dark by the powers that be at the studio, so it was cut out -- you get a better look at them in the trailer than in the movie itself.
Fern Mayo (Judy Greer) is sort of Carrie without the magical powers. An ugly duckling turned swan, Fern begins the film dressed and looking more than a little bit like Sissy Spacek in the 1976 CARRIE. Writer-director Darren Stein even admitted that this scene was meant to be a homage:
Late in the film, after Courtney's gone psycho and disowned her friends, Fern makes a direct reference to CARRIE while plotting a course of action:
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